Working Papers

The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Shaping Multilateral Finance
By Chris Humphrey | 04/03/2018
Public Investment for Sustainable Development
By Ehtisham Ahmad | 09/12/2017
Contracting Arrangements and PPPs for Sustainable Development
By Kezhou Xiao | 09/12/2017
Political Economy of Tax Reform for SDGs
By Ehtisham Ahmad | 08/20/2017
Developing Countries Role in International Tax Cooperation
By Martin Hearson | 07/13/2017
Stemming the Tide of De-Risking through Innovative Technologies and Partnerships
By G24 | 08/16/2016
Stemming the Tide of De-Risking through Innovative Technologies and Partnerships
By Shichao Zhou | 05/10/2016
Green Infrastructure: Definition and Needs
By Mattia Romanis | 06/05/2015
Private Finance for Infrastructure Investments: Analysis and Implications for New Multilateral Development Banks
By Stefano Gatti | 06/05/2015
The Infrastructure Pipeline and the Need for Robust Project Preparation
By Breandan Kotekaas | 06/05/2015
Public Finance Underpinnings for Infrastructure Financing in Developing Countries
By Ehtisham Ahmad | 06/05/2015
Involving the Private Sector and Public-Private Partnerships in Financing Investments: Public Opportunities and Challenges
By Ehtisham Ahmad | 06/05/2015
National Development Banks and Infrastructure Provision: A Comparative Study of Brazil, China, and South Africa
By Chris Humphrey | 06/05/2015
Challenges and Opportunities for Multilateral Development Banks in 21st Century Infrastructure Finance
By Chris Humphrey | 06/05/2015
Multilateral Lending Instruments for Infrastructure Financing
By Stephany Griffith-Jones | 05/05/2015
Debt Relief, Sustainable Development and Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Sub Sahara Africa
By Ibrahim Lipumba | 11/04/2014
Country Ownership of Reform Programs and the Implications for Conditionality
By Omotunde E.G. Johnson | 05/13/2014
The State of Negotiations and Some Key Issues at the World Trade Organization After the Cancun Ministerial
By Martin Khor | 03/13/2014
On the Roots of the Current Financial Crisis
By Hu Xiaolian | 03/13/2014
Investment, Growth, and Budget Deficit Ceilings. A Review of the Issues
By Ernesto Hernández-Catá | 03/13/2014

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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