Working Papers

A Guide to the IMF’s 16th Quota Review
By Tomás González | 12/21/2022
Tax certainty options in the context of BEPS 2.0
By Natalia Quiñones | 03/17/2022
Tax treaties of G-24 Countries: Analysis Using a New Dataset
By Martin Hearson | 05/14/2021
From Drawing Board to Reality: The First Four Years of Operations at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and New Development Bank
By Chris Humphrey | 04/14/2020
Quantifying the Policy Space for Regulating Capital Flows in Trade and Investment Treaties
By Kevin P. Gallagher | 03/27/2019
Challenges of Investment Treaties on Policy: Areas of Concern to Developing Countries
By Kinda Mohamadieh | 03/26/2019
Elevating Services: Services Trade Policy, WTO Commitments, and their Role in Economic Development and Trade Integration
By Martin Roy | 01/29/2019
Structural Transformation and Growth in G-24 countries: 2005-2015
By Luis Pinedo Caro | 01/25/2019
Why Does the Real Exchange Rate Matter for Economic Development?
By Martin Rapetti | 01/24/2019
Fiscal Policy Incidence on Inequality and Poverty in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
By Hilcías E. Morán | 01/16/2019
Wired for Work: Exploring the Nexus of Technology & Jobs
By Sabina Dewan | 12/13/2018
Trade, Technology and Jobs: A WTO Contribution to the Debate
By Marc Bacchetta | 12/05/2018
The Recent Trend of Income Inequality in Asia and How Policy Should Respond
By Juzhong Zhuang | 10/31/2018
Inequality and Growth in Latin America: Achievements and Challenges
By Raquel Artecona | 10/29/2018
Economic Growth and Pursuit of Inequality Reduction in Africa
By Haroon Bhorat | 10/29/2018
Fintech for Financial Inclusion: A Framework for Digital Financial Transformation
By G24 | 09/01/2018
Income Inequality and Fiscal Policy: Agenda for Reform in Developing Countries
By Sanjeev Gupta | 08/28/2018
Robots and Industrialization: What Policies for Inclusive Growth?
By Joerg Mayer | 08/24/2018
Reconciling People with Trade
By Hector R. Torres | 08/09/2018
Accelerating Growth and Reducing Inequality: Trends and Policy Approaches
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram | 07/17/2018

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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