Working Papers

The Politics of Legal Reform
By Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes | 04/10/2002
Commodities under Neoliberalism: The Case of Cocoa
By Irfan ul Haque | 03/09/2002
The Impact of G-3 Exchange Rate Volatility on Developing Countries
By Gerardo Esquivel | 01/10/2002
Organizational Reform and the Expansion of the South’s Voice at the Fund
By Martha Finnemore | 12/10/2001
How Risky Is Financial Liberalization in the Developing Countries?
By Charles Wyplosz | 09/10/2001
Reform of the International Financial System and Institutions in Light of the Asian Financial Crisis
By Yung Chul | 07/10/2001
Recasting the International Financial Agenda
By Jose Antonio Ocampo | 07/10/2001
The Future Role of the IMF
By Aziz Ali Mohammed | 04/10/2001
Growth After the Asian Crisis: What Remains of the East Asian Model?
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram | 03/10/2001
Should Countries Promote Foreign Direct Investment?
By Gordon Hanson | 02/10/2001
Can Flexible Exchange Rates Still “Work” in Financially Open Economies?
By Gino Olivares | 01/10/2001
Coherence or dissonance in the international institutional framework: Overlapping responsibilities
By Leiv Lunde | 12/12/2000
Commentary on the Financial Stability Forum’s Report of the Working Group on Capital Flows
By Andrew Cornford | 12/10/2000
Regional Monetary Arrangements For Developing Countries
By Roberto Chang | 11/13/2000
Overriding Jurisdictions in Global Financial Governance, And Long Term Financing for the Poorest Countries
By Roy Culpeper | 09/29/2000
Exchange-Rate Policies for Developing Countries: What Have We Learned?
By Andrés Velasco | 06/10/2000
The Millennium Round and Developing Countries: Negotiating Strategies and Area of Benefits
By Arvind Panagariya | 03/25/2000
The Standardization of Law and Its Effect on Developing Economies
By Katharina Pistor | 06/10/2000
The Governance of the International Monetary Fund
By Ariel Buira | 05/13/2000
The Basle Committee’s Proposals for Revised Capital Standards
By Andrew Cornford | 05/10/2000

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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