Working PapersWorking Paper SeriesPolicy BriefsBooksWorking Group on TaxTask Force on Climate, Development and the International Monetary Fund Growth and Reducing Inequality Structural Transformation and Growth in G-24 countries: 2005-2015 By Luis Pinedo Caro | 01/25/2019 Why Does the Real Exchange Rate Matter for Economic Development? By Martin Rapetti | 01/24/2019 Fiscal Policy Incidence on Inequality and Poverty in Low- and Middle-Income Countries By Hilcías E. Morán | 01/16/2019 Trade, Technology and Jobs: A WTO Contribution to the Debate By Marc Bacchetta | 12/05/2018 The Recent Trend of Income Inequality in Asia and How Policy Should Respond By Juzhong Zhuang | 10/31/2018 Inequality and Growth in Latin America: Achievements and Challenges By Raquel Artecona | 10/29/2018 Economic Growth and Pursuit of Inequality Reduction in Africa By Haroon Bhorat | 10/29/2018 Income Inequality and Fiscal Policy: Agenda for Reform in Developing Countries By Sanjeev Gupta | 08/28/2018 Robots and Industrialization: What Policies for Inclusive Growth? By Joerg Mayer | 08/24/2018 Reconciling People with Trade By Hector R. Torres | 08/09/2018 Accelerating Growth and Reducing Inequality: Trends and Policy Approaches By Jomo Kwame Sundaram | 07/17/2018