Working Papers

The Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Ghana
By E.K.Y. Addison | 09/03/2004
Real Exchange Rate and Employment in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico
By Roberto Frenkel | 08/24/2004
Access to Land, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Malawi
By Ephraim Chirwa | 08/13/2004
The World Development Report 2005: An Unbalanced Message on Investment Liberalization
By Vicente Paolo Yu III | 08/13/2004
Enhancing the Voice of Developing Countries in the World Bank
By Cord Jakobeit | 07/13/2004
Enron and Internationally Agreed Principles for Corporate Governance and the Financial Sector
By Andrew Cornford | 06/10/2004
The Bretton Woods Institutions: Governance without Legitimacy?
By Ariel Buira | 05/13/2004
Who pays for the World Bank?
By Aziz Ali Mohammed | 05/12/2004
Trip Wires and Speed Bumps: Managing Financial Risks and Reducing the Potential for Financial Crises in Developing Economies
By Ilene Grabel | 05/03/2004
Remittances: The New Development Mantra
By Devesh Kapur | 04/10/2004
Reinventing Industrial Strategy
By Sanjaya Lall | 04/10/2004
External Debt Sustainability: Guidelines for Low and Middle Income Countries
By Sanjaya Lall | 03/26/2004
Capital Management Techniques in Developing Countries
By Claudio M. Loser | 03/10/2004
Capital Management Techniques in Developing Countries
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram | 03/10/2004
“Up From Sin: A Portfolio Approach to Salvation”
By Randall Dodd | 03/09/2004
Mission Creep, Mission Push and Discretion in Sociological Perspective: The Case of IMF Conditionality
By Ariel Buira | 03/08/2004
A Fiscal Insurance Proposal for the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
By Laura dos Reis | 03/08/2004
Trade, Growth, Poverty Reduction and Human Development: Some Linkages and Policy Implications
By Kamal Malhotra | 03/08/2004
How Well Do Measurements of an Enabling Domestic Environment for Development Stand Up?
By Barry Herman | 03/03/2004
External Debt Sustainability Guidelines for Low and Middle-Income Countries
By Claudio M. Loser | 03/02/2004

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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