Working Papers

Global Imbalances and Fund Surveillance
By Vito Tanzi | 03/16/2006
External Openness and Employment: The Need for Coherent International and National Policies
By Rolph van der Hoeven | 03/16/2006
The IMF and the Adjustment of Global Imbalances
By Ariel Buira | 03/16/2006
Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way? The Role of the EU in the Reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions
By Lauren Phillips | 03/16/2006
Incidence of trade and subsidy policies on developing country welfare, exports and debt sustainability
By Kym Anderson | 03/13/2006
Beyond the IMF
By Richard Webb | 03/12/2006
East Asia’s Growing Demand for Primary Commodities
By Daniela Prates | 02/10/2006
A Stability and Social Investment Facility for High-Debt Countries
By Nancy Birdsall | 02/06/2006
Reforming the IMF: Back to the Drawing Board
By Yilmaz Akyuz | 11/10/2005
International Monetary Fund Reform: An Overview of the Issues
By Edwin Truman | 09/23/2005
Developing Countries and the Millennium Development Goals
By Ian Kinniburgh | 09/15/2005
The G8 Agreement on Debt Relief Beyond HIPC – What can debtor countries expect?
By Jürgen Kaiser | 09/15/2005
The Strategic Role of the IMF: Risks for Emerging Market Economies amid Increasingly Globalized Financial Markets
By Andrew Charlton | 09/15/2005
Economic Alternatives for Sub-Saharan Africa: ‘Poverty Traps’, MDG-Based Strategies And Accelerated Capital Accumulation
By Terry McKinley | 09/15/2005
Hazardous Inertia of Imbalances in the US and World Economy
By Alex Izurieta | 08/20/2005
Reforming the IMF: Back to the Drawing Board
By Yilmaz Akyuz | 08/16/2005
The Global Implementation of Basel II: Prospects and Outstanding Problems
By Andrew Cornford | 06/13/2005
Prioritizing Economic Growth: Enhancing Macroeconomic Policy Choice
By Colin I. Bradford, Jr. | 04/10/2005
The International Monetary Fund: Integration and Democratization in the 21st Century
By Vijay Kelkar | 03/17/2005
Measuring Vulnerability: Capital Flows Volatility in the Quota Formula
By Laura dos Reis | 03/17/2005