Working Papers

Enhancing the Role of Regional Development Banks
By Stephany Griffith-Jones | 07/10/2008
Non-state Actors and Global Governance
By Irfan ul Haque | 06/02/2008
Basel 2 at a Time of Financial Peril
By Andrew Cornford | 03/13/2008
Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective
By Stephany Griffith-Jones | 02/18/2008
Reform of Quota and Voting Shares in the International Monetary Fund: “Nothing” Is Temporarily Preferable to an Inadequate “Something”
By Ralph Bryant | 01/13/2008
International Climate Policy
By Stockholm Environment Institute | 01/12/2008
IMF Voting Reform: Need, Opportunity and Options
By David Woodward | 12/10/2007
The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World
By Paul Baer | 11/13/2007
Aid for Trade: Cool Aid or Kool-Aid?
By Sam Laird | 11/10/2007
IMF Contingency Financing for Middle-Income Countries with Access to Private Capital Markets
By Jan Kregel | 10/10/2007
Regional Arrangements to Support Growth and Macro-Policy Coordination in MERCOSUR
By José María Fanelli | 09/10/2007
Special Drawing Rights and the Reform of the Global Reserve System
By Jose Antonio Ocampo | 08/12/2007
The Potential Impact of the Aid for Trade Initiative
By Sheila Page | 04/10/2007
Does Trade Openness Favour or Hinder Industrialization and Development?
By Mehdi Shafaeddin | 03/16/2007
East Asia’s Counterweight Strategy
By Injoo Sohn | 03/10/2007
IMF Voting Reform: Need, Opportunity and Options
By David Woodward | 02/12/2007
Beyond the IMF
By Devesh Kapur | 02/10/2007
Bridging the democratic deficit: Double majority decision making and the IMF
By Claire Wren | 02/02/2007
Rethinking the Governance of the International Monetary Fund
By Iqbal Zaidi | 12/12/2006
Governance and Anti-Corruption Reforms in Developing Countries
By Mushtaq H. Khan | 11/10/2006

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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