Working Papers

Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative
By G24 | 03/13/2003
Reforming the Governance of the IMFPoverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) ApproachReforming the Governance of the IMF
By G24 | 03/13/2003
Monitoring the Monterrey Consensus
By G24 | 03/13/2003
Reforming the Governance of the IMF
By G24 | 03/13/2003
Achieving Long-Term Debt Sustainability in All Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)
By Bernhard Gunter | 02/26/2003
Monitoring the Monterrey Consensus
By Cristián Ossa | 02/13/2003
An Analysis of IMF Conditionality
By Ariel Buira | 02/13/2003
Do As I Say, Not As I Do: A Critique of G7 Proposals on Reforming the Multilateral Development Banks
By Devesh Kapur | 02/10/2003
Strengthening Sovereign Lending Through Mechanism for Dialogue and Debt-Crisis Workout: Issues and Proposals
By Barry Herman | 02/10/2003
International Financial Institutions and International Public Goods
By Ravi Kanbur | 12/10/2002
The World Bank’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Approach: Good Marketing or Good Policy
By Jim Levinsohn | 11/12/2002
Why Do Global Public Goods Matter Today?
By Ronald U. Mendoza | 10/02/2002
How to Improve the Provision of Global Public Goods
By Inge Kaul | 10/02/2002
The New Basel Accord and Developing Countries: Problems and Alternatives
By Jonathan Ward | 09/25/2002
Competition and Competition Policy in Emerging Markets
By Ajit Singh | 09/10/2002
Governance-Related Conditionalities of the International Financial Institutions
By Devesh Kapur | 08/10/2002
Issues in Implementing Standards and Codes
By Benu Schneider | 06/12/2002
The Ratio of International Reserves to Short-Term External Debt as an Indicator of External Vulnerability: Some Lessons From the Experience of Mexico and Other Emerging Economies
By Rodolfo Padilla del Bosque | 05/13/2002
The Governance of the IMF in a Global Economy
By Ariel Buira | 05/13/2002
A Counter-Cyclical Financing Mechanism for Developing Countries: Wishful Thinking or Policy Requirement?
By Claudio M. Loser | 05/12/2002