Working Papers

Alternative Loan Guarantee Mechanisms and Project Finance for Infrastructure in Developing Countries
By Ana Teresa Fuzzo de Lima | 02/13/2004
Commodities Under Neoliberalism: The Case of Cocoa
By Irfan ul Haque | 01/10/2004
Modernizing Small Holder Agriculture to Ensure Food Security and Gender Empowerment: Issues and Policy
By Emmanuel Ukeje | 01/04/2004
Burden Sharing at the IMF
By Aziz Ali Mohammed | 12/24/2003
The Indonesian Bank Crisis and Restructuring
By Mari Pangestu | 11/10/2003
Slow Recovery Fable in Growth-Recession Times
By Alex Izurieta | 09/15/2003
Assessing the Risks in the Private Provision of Essential Services
By Tim Kessler | 09/15/2003
Reinventing industrial strategy: The role of government policy in building industrial competitiveness
By Sanjaya Lall | 09/12/2003
An Analysis of the WTO’s Fifth Ministerial Conference
By Martin Khor | 09/10/2003
Adjustment of European Quotas to Enhance the Voice and Participation of Developing and Transition Countries
By G24 | 08/25/2003
Remittances: The New Development Mantra?
By Devesh Kapur | 08/25/2003
An Analysis of IMF Conditionality
By Ariel Buira | 08/02/2003
The Macro-Economic Impact of Remittances in Latin AmericaDutch Disease or Latin Cure?
By Claudio M. Loser | 05/12/2003
IMF Contingency Financing for Middle Income Countries with Access to Private Capital Markets
By Jan Kregel | 05/12/2003
The Political Economy of Basle II and Implications for Emerging Economies
By Stephany Griffith-Jones | 04/24/2003
Capital Management Techniques In Developing Countries: An Assessment of Experiences from the 1990’s and Lessons For the Future
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram | 04/13/2003
The Basel Committee and Global Governance
By Kern Alexander | 04/13/2003
Liquidity Black Holes: what are they and how are they generated
By Avinash Persaud | 04/12/2003
The World’s Bank Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Approach: Good Marketing or Good Policy?
By Jim Levinsohn | 04/10/2003
Sovereign Debt Restructuring
By G24 | 04/04/2003