
Country Observers

G-24 observer countries are nations or entities that participate in the activities of the G-24 without being full members. These observers can include other developing countries, international organizations, or financial institutions interested in the discussions on international monetary and development finance issues. Observers are typically involved to provide additional perspectives or to support the group's objectives of advancing the interests of developing countries in global economic governance.

  • A flag of angola with the colors red, black and yellow.

    Ministério das Finanças
    Banco Nacional De Angola

  • A red and white banner with a ribbon

    Kementerian Keuangan RI

  • A green, white and black flag with the colors of the united arab emirates.

    United Arab Emirates
    Ministry of Finance, UAE
    Central Bank of the U.A.E.

  • A green background with the word " seattle " written in white.

    Saudi Arabia
    Ministry of Finance
    Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Institutional Observers

  • A green and orange logo with the words " syria " in arabic.

    Arab Monetary Fund

  • A logo of international labour organization

    International Labour Organization

  • A green background with an opec logo in the middle.

    Organization of The Petroleum Exporting Countries

  • A blue and white logo of the united nations.

    United Nations Department of Economic/Social Affairs

  • A united nations logo and an eclac logo.

    Economic Commission For Latin America/Caribbean

  • A green and white logo of the international chamber of commerce.

    Islamic Development Bank

  • A logo for the south central car show.

    South Centre

  • A green background with the sun shining through.

    Central American Monetary Council

  • A blue and white logo of the letter z

    Group of 77

  • The logo of the ofid is shown.

    Opec Fund For The International Development

  • A blue and white logo of the united nations.

    United Nations Conference On Trade/Development

The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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