October 7: G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion

Seminar on Capital Account Regulations and the Trading System

Session 1: Global Economy Capital Flow Management Measures and Trade and Investment TreatiesSarah Anderson Capital Flow Management and the Trading SystemAnnamaria Viterbo Policy Space for Capital Flow Management MeasuresWorld Bank Capital Flows: The Need for a Consistent ApproachVivek Arora, Katharine Christopherson Background: Global Financial Reform and Trade Rules – The Need for RegulationKevin P. Gallagher, Leonardo E. Stanley Background: Pardee Center Task Force on Capital Account Regulations and the Trading System

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High Level Seminar on New Challenges to Growth and Productivity

Agenda Summary Session 1: Global Economy Emerging Nations: Growth in the “Post” Post-CrisisA. Velasco Emerging Market Growth: A Post-Crisis AssessmentA. Subramanian Session 2: Growth and Productivity Post-Crisis Structural Refrom and Growth: The Case of the PhilippinesR.B. Tan Structural Reforms and Growth: G-20 FrameworkZ. Qureshi Session 3: Development of Local Currency Bond Markets Rethinking the Role of Government and Fiscal PolicyO. Canuto Session 4: Infrastructure Development and Long-Term Financing Economic Inequality and Economic Growth: A PrimerF. Ferreira Declining Inequality in Latin America: Labor Markets and Redistributive PoliciesN. Lustig Brazil: Another Revolution of Rising ExpectationsNancy Birdsall

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The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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