G-24/ ICRICT Event – How to get a global tax deal that is fair to the world?

Roundtable Discussion- Are We Heading Towards a New World Trade Order? Effects on G-24 Countries and a Possible Agenda for the Bretton Woods Institutions

Rising trade tensions have been considered a major downside risk with negative impacts on growth through reduced confidence, subdued investment, and global supply chain disruptions. In addition, parts of society that feel disadvantaged by international trade rules are driving a backlash against multilateral trade rules in some significant countries. Technological progress, in a scale never seen before, has interacted with trade to fuel the spread of innovation, information and know-how, fueling intense transformations in the forms and depth of integration among economies. While new opportunities have emerged, including for developing countries, so have new risks for labor markets and social protection systems. This Roundtable discussed what implications these developments have on the future of the multilateral, rules-based trading system, and whether these tensions will be fleeting or a “new normal. The discussion also covered trends affecting G-24 countries and how the Bretton Woods Institutions could support a robust multilateral trade system, as well as developing country efforts to harness trade for growth and development.

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G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion

Agenda Presentation by Ms. Bhavana Srivastava, MicroSave Consulting Presentation by Ms. Tukiya Kankasa Mabula, Chair of AFI Gender and Women’s Financial Inclusion Committee Presentation by Ms. Ratna Sahay, Deputy Director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF

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G-24 Special Workshop on Growth and Reducing Inequality

Agenda Highlights Summary Notes Session 1: Economic Growth and the Pursuit of Inequality Reduction in Africa Growth and Inequality-Trends and Policy Approachesmic Growth Poverty reduction and shared prosperity: Findings and policy approaches Growth, poverty reduction, and inequality in developing Asia Structural transformation, growth and jobs in developing countries Session 2 Part 1: TECHNOLOGY, PRODUCTIVITY AND WORK: IMPLICATIONS FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH Trade and Technology: Recent Developments and Distributional Effects in Developing Countries Gottschalk – Catching up and structural transformation What does it take in today’s world Trade, technology and jobs Harnessing Technology for More & Better Jobs: Opportunities & Risks Session 2 Part 2: Trade, informality and employment in a low-income country: The case of Vietnam Exporting, importing and jobs Evidence from Africa Inclusive Growth through SME Competitiveness Labor share of income in Asia: findings, drivers, and policy implications Session 3: Financial globalization, monetary policy and inequality Financialization, inequality and fiscal tightening: not so ambiguous in the data Monetary and Exchange Rate policies for Economic Development Monetary and macroprudential policy and inequality National development banks and inclusive growth HOW DOES FINANCIAL INCLUSION AFFECT ECONOMIC GROWTH, POVERTY AND INCOME INEQUALITY? Session 4: Tax changes and inequality in Latin America over the last decades The Distributional Effects of Government Spending Shocks on Inequality Tobacco Taxation for Health and Development Raising tax revenues without harming equity and employment Special Session: IMF’s policy and operational work on inequality

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The Group of 24 (G-24) is composed of Developing Countries and Emerging Markets across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The G-24 advocates for the interests of its membership within global financial and economic discussions, particularly in relation to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank

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